Überlandleitungen vor einem orangenen Himmel bei tiefstehender Sonne.
Energy Policy

New rules for Europe’s electricity market

Cheap generating costs and greater protection against price volatility – for consumers, these are the two key points of the European electricity market reform which the EU ministers agreed on in Luxembourg in mid-October.

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© BMWK; data base: Federal Environment Agency

direct view

Methane emissions must fall more quickly

Methane is one of the most harmful greenhouse gases for the climate in the earth’s atmosphere. Whilst methane emissions have been falling steadily in Germany since 1990, the decline is too slow for us to reach our climate targets. The diagram shows which sectors are particularly important.

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Ein Schweißer bei der Arbeit.
The energy transition in industry

Industrial policy in changed times

The Federal Government’s Industrial Strategy sketches out the future of our industry in times of great geopolitical changes and on the path to climate neutrality. The Strategy was discussed in detail at the Industry Conference at the end of October 2023.

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Illustration: Haus unter einer Lupe

direct account

What actually is the IEA?

The IEA produces globally respected analyses, data, policy recommendations and practical solutions which can help countries to build up a secure and sustainable energy supply. A view inside the International Energy Agency

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Eine Frau mit gelbem Bauhelm zeigt auf.
energy research

Missions for tomorrow’s energy world

As we move towards a climate-neutral and secure energy supply, we need innovations which can be quickly rolled out in practice. To this end, the 8th Energy Research Programme supports applied energy research.

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AUfnahme aus der Fertigungslinie der Photovoltaik-Produktion.

direct questions

More photovoltaics production in Germany again?

Solar modules “Made in Germany”? Demand is high, and more of it is to be met by domestic production. Manufacturing companies in Germany are saying that they can benefit greatly from the expertise available.

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Dr. Anna Christmann, Koordinatorin der Bundesregierung für die Deutsche Luft- und Raumfahrt

Quote of the week.

“Without our activities in space, we would be unable to systematically follow climate change and to respond effectively to the climate crisis.”

Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy Dr Anna Christmann

Bild zeigt Zeitungsstapel

What the press say

This month in ‘What the press say’: How companies will benefit from the lower electricity tax, what types of heating systems are being installed in Germany, and what share of the global electricity mix is covered by renewables.

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direct reports

Rhine-Ruhr Hydrogen Regional Conference on 7 December (German only)

The participants at the Rhine-Ruhr H2 conference in Zeche Zollverein in Essen on 7 December will be finding out how hydrogen can help to transform the industrial base of North Rhine-Westphalia, Presentations and workshops will focus on issues like the decarbonisation of the steel industry and the roll of inland shipping in the market ramp-up. Registration and participation are free of charge. Find out more

3rd Federation-Länder cooperation committee report published (German only)

The expansion of renewables is picking up speed: the additional installed renewable energy capacity was almost one-third higher in 2022 than the year before – and in the first half of 2023, it even grew by nearly three-quarters in year-on-year terms. The biggest increase was in photovoltaics. This is shown by the report by the Federation-Länder cooperation committee on the roll-out of renewables, which was published on 20 October. Find out more

Energy Efficiency Award at the dena Energy Transition Congress

The German Energy Agency (dena) presented its 17th Energy Efficiency Award on 13 November 2023. The award recognises energy efficiency projects offering measurable results and new, innovative concepts. Five projects in four categories were selected from more than 100 applications this year. A special prize is addressed to small and medium-sized enterprises which make an important contribution towards energy efficiency and climate neutrality. Find out more

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