Windräder und Strommasten auf einem Weizenfeld.

An electricity grid for the net zero future

The current Network Development Plan for the first time sets out a grid ready to deliver net zero by 2045 with a focus on renewables expansion, the use of green hydrogen and a flexible grid.

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direct view

Stepping up the PV roll-out

A comprehensive strategy aims to significantly boost the expansion of photovoltaics in Germany. The focus is on measures in eleven areas.

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Ein Monteur befetig eine Lüftungsanlage an der Decke.

New quality seal for energy-saving air-con and ventilation

Companies and municipalities can now have new air-conditioning and ventilation equipment marked with the “Raumlufttechnik” quality seal. It is awarded to particularly efficient and economic equipment and thus helps people save energy.

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Illustration: Haus unter einer Lupe

direct account

What is the “electricity mirror”?

How around 85% of households in Germany can save a lot of energy by holding up a mirror to their electricity consumption

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Künstlich generierte Darstellung einer Fabrik aus grünen Blättern.

Competitive electricity prices for energy-intensive companies

An industrial electricity price aims to ensure that electricity prices for energy-intensive companies stay competitive as we move to climate neutrality. But there are clear conditions attached to this.

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Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck zum Start der Agentur für kommunalen Klimaschutz

Quote of the week

“We want this strategy to step up the pace of the roll-out and to unlock all the brakes which have been impeding a faster rate of newbuild.”

Federal Minister Robert Habeck on the PV Strategy presented on 5 May 2023.

Bild zeigt Zeitungsstapel

What the press say

This month in “What the press say”: the key topics of the North Sea summit on the expansion of offshore wind energy, an overview of data on climate change, and a survey of the climate impact of the three main greenhouse gases.

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direct reports

Call for ideas to optimise grid capacity (in German only)

The Economic Affairs and Climate Ministry has published a new call for ideas, entitled “OptiNetD”. It aims to progress the modernisation of the distribution grids at low and medium voltage level. Research establishments and companies have until 31 August to submit their ideas. Find out more

Climate Club places focus on industrial decarbonisation (in German only)

The international Climate Club, which was set up in December 2022 and has now grown to 20 members, aims to facilitate a dialogue on industrial decarbonisation at high political level. The issues covered will include greenhouse gas reduction, green industrial products and the development of related lead markets. Find out more

Final adoption of Smart Meter Act (in German only)

The nation-wide use of smart meters has now also been approved by the Bundesrat. By 2030 at the latest (or 2032 for large facilities and large consumers), smart meters are to become the norm, replacing traditional electricity meters. Find out more

First symposium of the research networks in Berlin on 13 June (in German only)

Members of the energy research networks and experts from the field of research into resource efficiency and the energy transition and society will meet in Berlin on 13 June. There will be a live stream of the event. Find out more

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