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What the press say

This month in “What the press say”: the key topics of the North Sea summit on the expansion of offshore wind energy, an overview of data on climate change, and a survey of the climate impact of the three main greenhouse gases.

Frankfurter Rundschau, 11.05.2023: “Capacity of 200 NPPs: world’s largest power station being built in the North Sea” (in German only)

The North Sea is to become “Europe’s green power station”. The Frankfurter Rundschau reports on the decisions taken by the North Sea summit., 20.04.2023: “Overview of climate change data” (in German only)

How has the world already changed? How much carbon have countries saved since 1990? ZDFheute provides the key figures in its KlimaRadar., 21.04.2023: “WMO climate survey: the ‘big three’ greenhouse gases rise to record level” (in German only)

The online edition of the Tagesspiegel summarises information from the World Meteorological Organization about the dangers to humans from climate change.

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