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Energieforschung: Wie gelingt praxisorientierte Forschung? © Jülich / Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Energy research: how does practical research work best?

Research findings need to be brought to the market quickly so that innovations can foster the energy transition. Researchers are therefore working on “Mission Transfer” in the 8th Energy Research Programme.

Dr Julika Weiß from the Institute for Ecological Economy Research explains how the energy transition can make progress through transparency and participation. Dr Thomas Weber from etalytics GmbH, which focuses on data-protected analysis and optimisation of energy systems, presents the research project entitled DELTA. In this “Regulatory Sandbox for the Energy Transition”, researchers are working to make Darmstadt’s energy system more flexible and climate-friendly.

To watch the video on the YouTube channel, please click here (German subtitles only)

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