Germany’s energy transition is driving job creation
We have been making great strides on our way to a secure, clean and economically successful energy future. Today, almost one third of our electricity comes from wind, solar and biomass. Wind energy alone was expanded by a record-breaking 4.9 gigawatts last year. This equals the output of five large conventional power plants. With 21 per cent, Germany has the largest share of installed PV capacity worldwide.
Thus, renewables are our most important source of electricity and an important engine for job creation in Germany. By 2050, some 230,000 new, forward-looking jobs will be created in the renewables sector alone.
New technologies bring about progress
Many small and large companies in Germany are working hard in order to transform our energy supply. Expanding renewables and, in particular, integrating electricity from solar and wind power into the grid will only be possible if we have the necessary technological innovations available. This makes the energy transition a driving force for innovations that will, in turn, bring about jobs and progress. We only have to take a look at patent registrations to confirm this. Last year alone, around 1,600 patents were registered in the renewables sector in Germany – four times as many as in 2005.
Off to new markets!
Innovations and green technologies also help us to access new export markets. All around the globe, new markets for expanding renewable energy and using energy efficiently have opened up. This provides new opportunities for many German companies. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is supporting them, for example through the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Export Initiatives.