Mehrfachsteckdose mit An/Aus-Schalter
Security of supply

Consultations on electricity market 2.0 underway

What is the right design for tomorrow’s electricity market? The answer is contained in a draft law presented for consultation in mid-September. The Länder and associations can comment on it up to 29 September.

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The proportion of renewable energy in electricity generation in Germany is rising - as is the reliability of our electricity supply. In the whole of 2014, there were only about twelve minutes in which people lacked electricity in Germany.

direct view

Quality of supply is improving in Germany

The proportion of renewable energy in electricity generation in Germany is rising - as is the reliability of our electricity supply. In the whole of 2014, there were only about twelve minutes in which people lacked electricity in Germany. That is three minutes less than in 2013.

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Photovoltaikanlagen und Windräder im Rapsfeld
Renewable energy

Making wind and solar power more economically viable

The more revenue that renewable energy sources earn on the electricity markets, the less subsidies electricity consumers need to pay. A study undertaken by the Fraunhofer ISI Institute on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy shows how this can work.

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Ein Stromzähler wird montiert


Smart metering systems - why, when and where?

Smart metering systems and meters are to integrate renewable energy into our energy system and reduce electricity consumption. From 2017, according to a new draft law, they are gradually going to be installed where electricity is consumed in Germany. Who will be affected? Find out more about the digitisation of the energy transition here.

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Andreas Kuhlmann, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Deutschen Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)

Quote of the week

"The 'House Transition' offers great potential for efficiency, in homes, offices, schools and workshops. 94% of those who improve their building's energy performance say they would encourage others to do the same. That matters more than many a criticism from the sidelines."
Andreas Kuhlmann, Director of the German Energy Agency (dena)

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