![Graphic shows how patent application in Germany in the field of renewable energy have quadrupled to 1,609 between 2005 and 2014.](https://bmwk-energiewende.de/EWD/Redaktion/EN/Newsletter/2015/11/Bilder/infografik-patentanmeldungen.jpg?__blob=poster&v=1)
Patent applications quadrupled
The energy transition is a driving force for innovation: some 1,600 patents were applied for in Germany in the field of renewable energy in 2014. That is four times the level seen in 2005, when there were 399 patent applications.
New technologies create jobs and progress
The energy transition is encouraging a lot of companies to find solutions to the challenges deriving from the restructuring of our energy supply. This is because we will need advances in technology if we are to be able to expand renewable energy at a high level and, in particular, to integrate electricity from solar and wind energy into the energy system. The good news is that new technologies create jobs, foster progress, and help us to tap new export markets.
The German government provides funding towards innovative energy technologies, e.g. via the 6th Energy Research Programme. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has the lead responsibility for this programme. And the ministry’s "Renewables - Made in Germany" export initiative helps German firms to sell renewables-related technolologies to other countries.