Ländliche Räume voller Energie © iStock/nullplus

Rural areas full of energy

Already, the bulk of renewable energy is being generated in rural areas. And this is a growing trend, with more of the expansion and energy generation taking place in the countryside. Here’s a glimpse into the future caught at the 2nd Conference of Regions in Berlin.

‘New opportunities for rural areas’ was written above the stage for the 2nd Conference of Regions in Berlin. Using the slogan ‘Win with renewables’, Federal Minister Robert Habeck (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) and Federal Minister Cem Özdemir (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) invited decision-makers from Germany’s rural regions for discussions about scope for action, challenges and solutions, and to answer their questions.

The regions in direct dialogue with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and its agencies

The conference provided a forum for direct contact between decision-makers from the regions and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. It was attended by some 150 representatives from the Länder, the regions and municipalities, and from the associations.

Streamlined bureaucracy and accelerated approval procedures pave the way for the expansion of renewables. This creates new opportunities for GDP growth, financial inclusion and structural change within rural areas.

Workshops and thematic tables for dialogue and information

Workshops und Thementische boten Austausch und Information © Sebastian Rau/BMWK

Following a political start into the conference with speeches by Federal Ministers Habeck and Özdemir, participants were able to attend workshops on five topics, including solar and PV installations, biogas, GDP growth through renewable energy and municipal participation processes.

There were thematic tables staffed with representatives from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, who offered information about laws, funding programmes and concepts such as community energy organisations, balcony PV installations, agrivoltaics and heat planning for rural areas.

The conferences of the regions strengthen societal support for the expansion of renewables and the infrastructure required for these. The first of these conferences was held in June 2023 and entitled ‘Momentum for renewables’.

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