Kampagnenposter 80 Millionen gemeinsam für Energiewechsel © BMWK

80 million together for the energy switch

A campaign to save energy is intended to support the energy transition and make Germany less dependent on imported fossil fuels. It's all about everyone pulling together and very practical energy-saving tips.

In the middle of June, the BMWK launched its nationwide energy-saving campaign entitled "80 million together for energy change" aimed at industry, SMEs and consumers. "Of course, those of us in politics will also have to put our own house in order and save more ourselves - in the federal administration buildings, for example," said Federal Minister Habeck, commenting on the campaign, and provides evidence: through a variety of measures, the BMWK this summer will now save 40 per cent of the energy used to cool its buildings and beginning in autumn 15 per cent of the energy used for heating, while 100 per cent is already being saved on illuminating the façade.

Germany intends to and must end its dependence on Russian imports and subsequent susceptibility to blackmail.

This can only be achieved with more renewable energies and more energy efficiency, since this will strengthen our independence, is good for the climate and is easy on the wallet. "Only by pulling together will we be able to bring about the energy switch - a rapid switch from fossil fuels to renewables," says Robert Habeck and refers to the strong alliance of associations with whom the BMWK is now jointly calling for measures to save energy.

With its "80 million for the energy switch" campaign, the alliance offers practical tips, suggestions and examples to make saving energy as easy as possible. And it applies to all sectors - businesses as well as private households.

Accelerating the expansion of renewable energies even further, making energy savings the new norm by law and promoting them in funding programmes are now at the top of the Federal Government's agenda, the Minister further emphasised. This is to be achieved with the extensive Energy Efficiency Work Plan (we reported), which the ministry presented as early as 17 May 2022. The work plan will enable the BMWK, among other things, to overhaul its funding programmes, support the rapid switch to renewable energies in industry, trade and commerce, and raise the statutory minimum energy efficiency standards, via the Building Energy Act, for example.

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