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What the press say

This time in ‘what the press say’: why lithium recycling could turn out to be the biggest challenge for electric mobility, the top issues for global climate action, and why landlord-to-tenant electricity supply is recognised as super successful, but is also a source of conflict., 23 January 2022: ‘Lithium recycling will be the top challenge’ (in German only)
The online edition of the ‘Die Welt’ newspaper takes a detailed look at potential improvements being explored in the field of battery production for electric cars.

Handelsblatt, 20 January 2022: ‘What really matters in global climate action’ (in German only)
In ‘Das Handelsblatt’, economist Veronika Grimm discusses why the opportunities and risks of climate action are unequally distributed., 16 January 2022: “Electricity, even if there is no more than a slight breeze” (in German only)
On tagesschau. de, two engineers present effective, low-cost wind-powered installations that generate impressive amounts of electricity, even if there is not much wind.

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